Sunday, January 1, 2012

My 31 Days of Adventure

I recently came across a link to a month long "adventure" challenge on Usually Stephanie's blog. Since I feel a bit of a kinship with Stephanie (we both seem to like adventures and challenges), I decided to check this out with her. The challenge, called 31 Days of Adventure, is being run by Expand Outdoors and WanderLydia and the basic premise is that there are adventures everywhere...if we just look.

So, by signing up, you get a new adventure delivered to your inbox every day! And, as you probably know by now, that is right up my alley! 

Here is today's adventure:

Day 1: A new perspective

It’s a brand new year and many of us take this time to start fresh.
Today’s adventure is all about seeing things in a new and different light. Take a photo of something familiar from a new angle: up close; upside down; from above; from underneath.
What do you notice? What’s interesting? Unique?

If you've been following my blog, you know that I've been in Tahoe since Dec. 20th celebrating Christmas, New Years, my wedding and my {brand-new} husband's birthday. Being surrounded by new sights, sounds and smells and staying in a cabin in the woods I ended up taking a picture of a tiny sliver of stained glass I found in the mudroom. It seemed so strange when I first came across it...tucked away in the back of the cabin in an ice cold room we rarely use (except to stock up on firewood).

I would have never noticed it were it not for a sleepless in morning in which I got up in the wee hours to make coffee and (re)start the fire. There, in all of it's glory, this little piece of glass was illuminating the room with it's fiery glow. Me being me, I have gone out to that room every morning to capture a few minutes of this beautiful display. 

That's my first adventure...paying attention to detail and being open to finding beauty in the hidden and ordinary. I'd love to hear about your adventures too!

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