Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Taper Week Still Sucks A$$...

It is Taper Week once again (I have the Davis Moo-nlight 1/2 Marathon this Saturday night) and it is driving me crazy.  Partly due to the fact that I had already taken 8 days off after pulling something in my lower back while doing housework but also because I started reading Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald and am now all amped up to get this body fat 'issue' resolved.

It sometimes seems as if I get the best spurts of 'motivation' when I can't (shouldn't) exercise...I feel like a kid whose been told "No" only to have that spark my desire to 'it' even more.  If only I could bottle this feeling and sell it!  But, instead, I am trying to channel this restlessness into other things, like actually posting in my blog {okay, and maybe a little housework}.

I noticed recently that I started falling into my modus operandi...staying really busy but not getting much done.  Oh, I've been having fun with #runchat and #fitblog, meeting new people and checking out new blogs {Hi new friends!!!}.  But I've also READ more about training than I've actually trained!

What have I actually accomplished??  Well, I DO have my complete marathon training plan ready and loaded into my Google calendar (with reminders).  I also have the FULL 90 days of P90X in the calendar (although I'm about 3 weeks behind due to the above mentioned injury) but will need to update this now that I'm back in action.  {Needless to say it gets really, really annoying when my phone reminder goes off and I am in no way, shape or form gonna make my workout...like this past Saturday when I was in Sonoma at a star-studded wedding with free wine}.

The best wedding idea ever...funny photo booth...we made scrapbook pages for the Bride & Groom right there from duplicates!!
And while I've been really good about getting my required miles in, I have failed to actually go outside and hit some hills and trails as I had originally planned in preparation for the Tough Mudder in September.

My Tough Mudder shirt...watch out whiners!!
I am really hoping that this half-marathon be a springboard for the remainder of my summer training.  I am eager to get on-board with some hill and trail running as well as more kettle bells and P90X.  Reading the Racing Weight book has also helped to focus my attention on over-all fitness goals rather then a "weight" goal, after all, I've seen a lot of 'skinny' people who have a lot of body fat and are no healthier (or even less healthy) than a person who weighs more.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your back heals soon. I get so mad when I injure myself over something stupid. ;)

    Your right, there's a lot of skinny people with body fat and unhealthy. My goal is to be healthy and minimal body fat, but that is very hard to get off and maintain the last few pounds.


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